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Verbier ski instructor training Kate
Kate Howard

After growing up surrounded by enthusiastic skiers and qualifying as a level 2 instructor in the Canadian system, training towards my level three was the obvious next step. After hearing high praises about the altitude ISIA and level 3 training programme from other Canadian qualified Europe based instructors, I didn’t hesitate to book my place, and spend my third ski instructing season in Verbier. Although it is a BASI focussed training programme, the trainers were very open minded and interested in the CSIA system and the type of skiing focuses and objectives that they have.


Futures ISIA Instructor Courses

CSIA Level 3 qualification

The quantity of video analysis and quality of feedback that I received throughout the season really helped with my progression, and improved my ability to assess and analyze when teaching.
The added bonus of teaching in the peak season helped not only make ends meet, but to also get some much needed practise in for the teaching segment of the exam.
Verbier has some great training terrain, which can push you and improve both your technique and performance.
I can safely say I was thoroughly impressed and completely satisfied with the 8 week course. It certainly helped me to achieve my season goal of obtaining my level 3 qualification, which I achieved at the end of the season.

Kate Howard

Want to read more reviews?
BASI ISIA Level 3… my first season training in Verbier.

BASI ISIA Level 3… my first season training in Verbier.

Having just completed my BASI Level 2 course and spent two and a half months in the mountains I wanted to make the right choice to grow into the role of a ski instructor and carry on improving my skiing and teaching. I loved my level 1 and 2 training and I wanted to learn more.

Dutch Instructor talks about working and training in Verbier

Dutch Instructor talks about working and training in Verbier

Na 15 jaar te hebben gewerkt als horeca ondernemer was ik het op een gegeven moment zat, ik wilde mijn passie achterna en dat was skiën. Het duurde nog even voordat het mogelijk was de nog bestaande zaken te verkopen maar in 2016 was het zover, ik ging beginnen aan de opleiding van skileraar via BASI bij Altitude in Verbier.

Caitlin Miller

Caitlin Miller

My level 3 (ISIA) has always been a goal for me since completing my CSIA level 2 in 2013 in Canada. I worked 3 seasons in Canada and then decided to bring it closer to home. Choosing to do the Altitude ISIA course turned out to be the perfect decision for me as it helped me not only transition to the BASI system but also train and make huge improvements in my own skiing bringing me closer to my level 3.
