+44 7539 07 11 66


  1. All bookings are made with ALTITUDE FUTURES, which is a trading name of ALTITUDE ECOLE DE SKI ET SNOWBOARD (S.A.R.L.)
  2. This booking will become the binding contract (“the Contract”) between the Parties only when ALTITUDE FUTURES acknowledges receipt of the booking form and a non refundable registration fee as indicated in clause 2a below.
  3. The contract will be subject to these Booking conditions (“the conditions”) and will be governed and construed in accordance with English and Swiss law.


  1. A non refundable registration fee of 20% of the total price must be made with each booking. Confirmation of your booking will then be sent by return of post out lining the payment schedules.
  2. The payment for the first invoice must be received no later than 1st June. The final invoice for the outstanding balance must be received no later than 1st October.


  1. ALTITUDE FUTURES reserves the right to impose surcharges in respect of cost increases relating to fuel, currency, UK or Swiss government action.
  2. ALTITUDE FUTURES will absorb an increase equivalent to 2% of the programme price. If the surcharge exceeds 10% of the programme price, you have the right to cancel and receive a full refund of invoices paid less any amendment or insurance premiums paid.
  3. No refunds will be given if currency rates change.
  4. The programme price includes all taxes to be paid.


  1. ALTITUDE FUTURES reserves the right to cancel any training program. In the highly unlikely event of a training program being cancelled, you will be offered the choice of an alternative arrangement or a full refund of invoices will be paid. ALTITUDE FUTURES will ensure any alternative arrangements offered are at least equivalent to those originally booked.
  2. No refund will be payable if

ALTITUDE FUTURES is forced to cancel the program due to circumstances beyond our reasonable control and which could have not been foreseen or avoided even if due care had been exercised, including but not limited to war or threat of war, riot, civil unrest or insurrection, strike lockout or other industrial act ion, act of terrorism, act of God, full resort closure, flood, avalanche or any other adverse weather conditions.

Skiers do not meet the required skiing ability to join the course.


  1. If you wish to cancel a place on our program or leave prematurely, all deposits and invoices are non- refundable. Altitude advises all participants to take out a cancellation insurance policy. This policy is not included in the course and it is the participant’s responsibility to take out a cancellation insurance policy prior to making any payments for the course. In the event of cancellation Altitude are not liable to pay any refunds.
  3. Travel insurance is compulsory for all persons booking onto the ALTITUDE FUTURES programmes.
  4. There is no Insurance included in the course fee.
  5. Accident and sickness insurance is compulsory for all persons booking onto the ALTITUDE FUTURES programmes.
  6. Prior to at tending the course details of your cover must be provided to us and must clearly show that the premium has been paid in full and is current .
  7. No monies will be refunded by Altitude in the event of an injury sustained either before, or whilst participating, in the course.


  1. Whilst we (ALTITUDE FUTURES) take all reasonable precautions to prevent accidents or injury, you acknowledge and agree that some of the t raining you participate in on the programme may carry a risk of accident and injury
  2. Subject to clause 3 above, we do not accept responsibility for any loss or damage you suffer where any failure to perform or improper performance, is not due to our negligence or that of our employees, agents contractors or suppliers including but not limited to where any such failure or improper performance is attributable, in whole or part, to:
  • You or any member of your party.
  • Any third party unconnected with the provision of the services we have agreed to provide to you, and is not reasonably foreseeable or unavoidable.
  • Any circumstances beyond our reasonable control and which could not be foreseen or avoided even if due care had been exercised, including but not limited to war or threat of war, riot, civil unrest or Insurrection, strike lockout or other industrial action, act of terrorism, act of God, flood, avalanche or any other adverse weather conditions.
  1. Subject only to the limitation of liability in clause E below, our liability to you for any loss or damage which you may suffer, whether as a result or failure to perform, or the improper performance of, the services we have agreed to provide to you or otherwise is limited to £5 000 000 for any claims arising from a single event.
  2. The availability of facilities advertised cannot be guaranteed as they may depend on local weather conditions or may close due to circumstances beyond our control , including but not limited to public holidays or routine maintenance. In such circumstances we cannot give refunds, but if we are aware of any facilities not available prior to departure we will advise you accordingly.
  3. We cannot accept responsibility for any delay, however caused, in your outward or return journeys. We will give no refunds or compensation in relation thereto.


  1. While we make every effort to ensure there is no cause for a complaint during the ALTITUDE FUTURES programme it is essential that we are informed as soon as possible, whereby we will investigate any complaint and try and resolve it. If the matter cannot be resolved satisfactorily during the course please write to us within 28 days of your return home.
  2. ALTITUDE FUTURES will only deal with the correspondence from the person on the course, or for minors, his/her parent or legal guardian.


  1. It is a condition of any ALTITUDE FUTURES programme that you inform us of any pre-existing medical conditions.


A.ALTITUDE FUTURES students are not allowed to use or be in possession of any unlawful properties or substances. Should any such property or substance be found on any student or in their belongings, ALTITUDE FUTURES have the right to immediately exclude them from the programme and are not responsible for their repatriation and all costs thereof .

B.ALTITUDE FUTURES reserves the right to exclude any student who is acting in a manner that is deemed to be dangerous, inappropriate or damaging to the reputation of the company.

C.ALTITUDE FUTURES reserves the right to exclude any student who is intoxicated.


  1. ALTITUDE FUTURES reserves the right to use any photograph film or creative materials taken at any time during the program, for use exclusively In ALTITUDE FUTURES advertising or marketing material , without obtaining further consent from any student .


  1. If you are staying in the Altitude Futures accommodation you will be required to pay a deposit in advance of attending the course.
  2. Any or all of the repayments will be made within 3 weeks from the end of the course.


  1. Anyone who completes a booking form, to apply to at tend an Altitude course, is agreeing to abide by these aforementioned.