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Gap course 2013-2014 – Blog 2

futures gap course verbier

In short, there is plenty of social life to go round in Verbier! There are a huge number of bars and pubs both on and off the mountain. The Bar of choice for an Altitude gap course student would be the Pub Mont Fort, due to the discount cards that Altitude have been able to procure for us. This pub is clearly a local favourite too, and has been full every night since we arrived. You are always likely to meet other Altitude instructors there, whether throwing darts or simply making the most of happy hour after a long day of skiing.

The real nightlife kicks off around 1 ‘clock, when places such as the Casbah, Farinet, and the recently opened Twin Peaks start to fill up. For a more relaxed drink, head to Harold’s, right in the centre of town, with Sky sports, 8 franc burgers, and lagers other than Carlsberg.

On the mountain, the Carlsberg bar is beginning to fill up as we approach peak season, and is a popular venue for a relaxing drink in the sun after a hard day’s training, but often is to blame for some interesting skiing down to Medran after close of play!

There are many other instructor trainees around who you meet, or go for a casual ski with, but all others seem to be jealous of our Pub Mont Fort cards. Verbier has a reputation for being an expensive resort, yet with our cards or during happy hours (that often can last for up to 4 hours) a pint can be cheaper than from your local back home. Whatever your mood, Verbier will always have something to offer.

Tom Wilson
Altitude Gap Course 2013-2014

ski instructor course verbier ski instructor gap course verbier ski instructor course

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