We started the exam on Monday with a fun day getting to know our trainers doing some piste performance and making ourselves look stupid doing some…interesting warm up exercises at the side of the piste. Found out we had to plan mini lessons for Tuesday… Surprising how quickly 5 (/20) minutes can go!!!
We tore up savoleyres for the rest of the week working on piste performance, freezing, with the occasional pass out at the side of the mountain – fixed of course with a hot chocolate fix! Filmed our longs and shorts before some in depth video analysis searching for that sexual chocolate Harry’s been trying so hard to teach us! Then to the pub!
Thursday was teaching day using out well prepared lesson plans… Freezing cold but a very nice lunch!
Finally we got to Friday after a long and stressful week. By midday most of us knew we’d passed … For some (one) tension built in the last few runs until the final run we found out we would all be going out that night!
It was a tough week, good fun, well celebrated with a champagne dinner – literally, Champagne in the pasta!
Milla and Emily